Thursday, January 22, 2009


This year began with a high note. One of my biggest expectations is to finish my course work and find some relief from school work. It is not as easy as i may have thought. Neither was my undergraduate studies. Nonetheless, i strain to reach for the prize. Nothing comes easy, and if it does, you will lose it the same way.

Obama was, is and will be my biggest hero. To me, he represents some sense of reaching out for the impossible. It goes beyond surface inspiration. It is reality in the face of adversity and against all odds. His background had nothing to support his future, infact, it was as tattered as any ordinary person who grew up i a broken home. Yes he could!! and Yes he did!! He is Mr. President of USA. To some, he is the president of the world. He holds that much power, yet to him the question of responsibility never quite gets out of his mind. He is sober and focused on the task ahead.

Very few of our leaders would be in state of sobrierity when power is in their hands. They often try too hard to grab as much as they can and thus shifting their focus on trying to keep what they are holding, rather than release it and allow truthfulness and hardwork to prevail. Greed is the order of the day.

i put it to our african leaders to emulate this young leader who has proved that wisdom does not come with age, rather with selflessness.

As for me, i know that the hurdles that i encounter are only there to be countered. If no one has done it, i might as well be the first. Yes i can!!

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